
Attacks / turn:

1 / 2


Hand-Held: None.

Thrown: None.

Hurled: Cannot hurl a sling, but the bullet damage

              is as follows:


As the type of Bullet hurled from a Sling as follows:
Lead ---------------------- : 2-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Rock --------------------- : 1-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Gage ------------ : 3-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Shank ----------- : 4-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Krakkin -------- : 5-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Earthen --------- : 6-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Admontanium - : 7-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Krannik -------- : 8-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Starr ------------ : 9-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Mystical ------- : 10-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Steel, Koar ------------ : 11-D6 + 1-D6 damages per 6

                                         points of dexterity above 5.


Special ------------------ : +1-D4 damage per 10 points

                                        of dexterity rounded down.

                                        Note: This would be a ill-

                                                   shaped rock, a chunk

                                                   of coal, etc.




10 spaces (50'). See "Acurracy Range".


Acurracy Range: A bullet can be hurled from a sling 1 space x your current dexterity. There will be a -5 to your attack-roll for every space your target is beyond 10 spaces (50'). Certain character class abilities will enhance the range of a sling.


Small, Medium, Large, Huge

Strength to wield proficiently:



1-Handed, Blunt.



It will take two hands to load a bullet projectile into a sling. If loaded using two hands it will take only 1 turn (5 seconds). Using one hand to load a sling, it will take 2 turns (10 seconds).


Sling: 1 white-gold


 1/4 LB.


Sling Bullets:


